Advocacy – Contacting your Legislators in Person

MCA Logo - "MCA" in a purple box with MN Citezens for the Arts in purple letters below

Tips & Pointers

When visiting your legislator, DO:

  • KISS: Keep it short and simple. Know why they should care, and what you want. If you’re in a group, designate one spokesperson. If you come to Advocacy Day, we’ll provide simple information to convey.
  • Have your facts straight. Familiarize yourself before you meet legislators. Talk about how constituents are benefiting from what you want. If asked something you don’t know, don’t guess – find out and send it later. Learn your legislator’s position on arts issues with MCA’s Legislator Survey.
  • Be on time, polite and patient. Your legislator is busy and may be late. Just be grateful for the time and make the most of it. Don’t show up unannounced or assail those who oppose your issue.
  • Introduce your team members and note their connections. Make sure that the legislator knows your connection to his or her district – whether you are a constituent living in the district, an artist working in the district, etc.
  • Make your issue personal. Tell stories about how your organization or other grantees have benefited the people in the legislator’s district.
  • Be a resource. If your legislator needs more information than you have on hand, offer to obtain it. Let MCA know if you need help, and be sure to follow up with information in a timely manner.
  • Say “thank you” again. Leave some information for the legislator to read, but keep that information simple, too. Be direct by asking at the end of the meeting, “Will you support my cause?” His or her answer will determine your future efforts.
  • Make notes about what happened. It’s important to share what you learn with MCA. Take a few minutes to write down your impressions and any specific statements of support or opposition. Did they give any advice or display knowledge of any specific arts organizations or issues?
  • Maintain relationships with your legislators. When you get home, send a thank you note along with other information that may be of interest. Invite them to local arts events, openings or other activities.
  • Provide publicity opportunities (photo opportunities, events, occasions to meet people). Invite your legislator to your organization’s annual meeting, an opening night gathering or other arts related events.