On October 12, 2023, Americans for the Arts released 2022 data on the economic impact of nonprofit arts and culture organizations and their audiences in 373 study regions. The arts and culture industry generated $151.7 billion in economic activity—$73.3 billion in spending by the organizations, which leveraged an additional $78.4 billion in event-related spending by their audiences. The impact of this economic activity is far reaching, supporting 2.6 million jobs, providing $101 billion in personal income to workers, and generating $29.1 billion in tax revenue.
An analysis of audience surveys collected at BIPOC and ALAANA events showed nearly identical results in audience spending (above and beyond the ticket price) of approximately $38 per person. Additionally, 77% of non-local audience respondents said the primary purpose of traveling to the event was specifically “to attend that cultural event.”
AEP6 delivers a clear message: when communities invest in arts and culture, they are not doing so at the expense of economic development. They are investing in an industry that stimulates the economy, supports local jobs, and contributes to building healthy, vibrant, and livable communities.
AEP6.AmericansForTheArts.org for the full report.
Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 Study