Is anybody listening?

Graphic showing the 42.76% of recipients opened MACT December 24, 2023 newsletter

I often wonder, “Is anybody reading our newsletter?” I very happy to say that the answer is YES!  As shown below, one of our recent newsletters was sent to 435 e-mail addresses.  Of those, 42.76% (186) opened the e-mail (even though it was at Christmas).  I think that’s a pretty good open rate.  And 15 people clicked through to an entry in the newsletter.  That’s 3.45 of all the people who received the newsletter or 8.06% of those that opened the newsletter.

What is the average open rate for email marketing & newsletters? According to a national Campaign Monitor 2022 Email Marketing Benchmarks Report, the average email open rate was 21.5%, across all industries in 2021. What does Mailchimp say is a good open rate for a newsletter? A good email open rate depends on the industry, but a 17% open rate is considered the average of all industries.

So MACT’s Mini MACT*Facts open rate is about double the national average (or more)! Good news, indeed!

Sent, open and click stats for December 24, 2023 issue of Mini MACT*Facts showing it was sent to 435 people, of which 42.76% opened the newsletter and 3.45% clicked through to an item in the newsletter
12/24/2023 newsletter stats