Want your events listed below?

MACT Logo. Upper portion is comedy/drama masks with comedy mask in yellow and drama mask in blue. Lower portion has the acronym "MACT" and below it the description MN Association of Community Theatres.

Do you want your theatre’s auditions and performances listed in this newsletter? Having your auditions and performances included in the calendar on the MACT website and in this newsletter is a privilege of being a MACT theatre member. Once your theatre joins MACT, we visit your theatre’s website or Facebook page weekly to check for new or changed information on your upcoming auditions and performance. This is a service we provide to MACT member theatres for no additional cost. This newsletter currently reaches almost 500 e-mail addresses with each edition.

MACT membership (theatre, individual and other)

  • supports the greater theatre community in Minnesota.
  • provides exposure for your theatre and its events.
  • supports our annual festivals
    • MACT*Fest in odd numbered years
      • multi-day adjudicated festival of 60-minute plays
    • Fast*Fest in even numbered years
      • single day festival of 20-minute plays (coming August 17 in Cloquet)
  • helps us offer training and workshops on topics important to theatres and thespians
  • discounts on our festivals, training sessions, workshops and other events.
  • a voice in how MACT operates, including electing directors and setting policies
  • Individual membership:
    • $25 for individuals
    • $15 for seniors, students, fixed incomes & first-time members
  • Theatre membership:
    • $50 for theatres with less tan a $25,000 annual budget
    • $60 for theatres with a budget between $25,000 and $50,000
    • $70 for theatres with a budget greater than $50,000
  • Other membership:
    • open to support organizations and others that do not fit in the two categories above
    • Discounts on advertising in our newsletter and festival programs
    • Links from the members page on our website to your website
    • Bronze member: $50 – $99
    • Silver member: $100 – $249
    • Gold member: $250 and above

Click here for a membership application or you can join on-line here.