Fast*Fest Show Registration Ends June 15

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The deadline for registering your show in Fast*Fest ’24 is quickly approaching. You must register to present a show on or before Saturday, June 15.

Registration is open to all non-professional groups. Registration is free for MACT member theatres, $25 for other groups. Each group will have 5 minutes to setup, 20 minutes to perform and 5 minutes to strike. MACT provides a table and 4 chairs. Each group may bring one additional set piece. Following each performance there will be a moderator led discussion of the show.

What happens next?

What happens after the June 15 registration deadline? The Fast*Fest committee will meet in June 22. At that meeting we will draw for performance order from the list of theatre entries received on or before June 15. We will fill slots starting with the last performance slot and working backwards until either all performance slots are full or all entries have been assigned a slot. (We reserve the right to adjust the performance order due to content or time constraints.) Shortly thereafter, each participating theatre will receive an e-mail notice of their performance session and order within that session. Only the session starting time and their order within the session will be provided. Starting times for each show are not fixed, only the starting time of a performance session is.

Another deadline for performing groups is providing festival program information by July 27. (information requested includes the final show name and short description, cast and production crew list and a short blurb about the presenting theatre group.)

The Fast*Fest committee will also finalize the schedule for the festival at the June 22 meeting. This will include scheduling of any workshops Saturday morning and details about the social events (Friday welcome social, possible food trucks for meals and the Saturday night post-festival social).

The final festival schedule and attendee pricing will be posted to the MACT website, to our on-line ticketing site and mailed to our mailing list early in July.

Early attendee registration (discounted) will be available through August 10. (One week before the festival.) The discounted prices are not available after August 10th. Every cast member and production staff member is expected to purchase a ticket to at least the performance session they are in. (Of course we hope everyone will want to purchase the full package allowing them to attend all the events at the festival.)

The theatre will be open for a welcome open-house on Friday evening, August 16, for any theatre that wants to see the theatre beforehand. (No time allowed for rehearsals on stage.) MACT will provide light snacks at the welcome social and wine and soft drinks will be available for purchase.

Saturday morning will kick off the festival with a performance session or workshops, depending on the number of shows entered. We are hoping to have a food truck available on-site for your convenience in purchasing your lunch. There will be a performance session in the afternoon. We are hoping to, again, have a food truck available for dinner. A discounted price may be available for attendees that purchase the full package. Saturday evening will start with the final performance session, followed by an after-glow social event at the theatre. Light snacks will be provided and there will be a cash bar..

Watch the Fast*Fest page on our website for the latest information and forms for Fast*Fest ’24: