Website/Newsletter Problems

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MACT’s website runs on WordPress and uses many plugins to handle various functions and features. A recent update to the EventPrime plugin that MACT uses for our events calendar has caused another plugin, Events Calendar Newsletter (ECN), to stop being able to recognize EventPrime. ECN is the interface between the Newsletter plugin (which automatically creates and sends the newsletters) and EventPrime. ECN is what provides the event listings for our newsletter.

Thanks to the hard work and quick response of the team at ECN, the issues above have been resolved. This week’s Mini MACT*Facts should be back to the pre-problem status. Well, mostly. Each of the 15 variations of the newsletter includes all posts since the last time that variation was sent. Last week’s newsletter used only 3 of those variations, events only, auditions only or both, each with 2 weeks of listings. Anyone you subscribed for other delivery frequency or content time-frame (the other 12 variations) will likely get some posts repeated from last week’s newsletter. The issue should resolve itself when each variation’s delivery frequency cycle is completed.

As of this writing (on Saturday), there are two new issues with the way the calendars are displayed on our website. First is that events for past dates should not be included. Second is that some event type not meant to be included in the calendar are included. These are the events with the yellow background. Those events are ads and other posts meant for inclusion in the newsletter only. The EventPrime team is working on this and expect to have it resolved in a few days.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Larry Pint, Webmaster & Newsletter Editor