MACT*Fest Shows & Committee

The MACT yellow comedy and blue drama masks, below that is "MACT" and "Fest 25" iv a "V" shape below.

By the time you read this, Fast*Fest will be a Past*Fest. Thanks to all who participated in and attended this record setting festival. More theatres presented shows in this festival than we have ever had in a Fast*Fest before. (The previous record was 14 shows in the first Fast*Fest in 2006.) And, while we don’t have records to prove it, we think that this was the largest number of people attending a Fast*Fest that we have ever had. (75 full registrations plus 17 individual session tickets, as of this writing on the Thursday before the festival.) We will have more on Fast*Fest in next week’s newsletter.

Next up is MACT*Fest, March 5-9, 2025 at The Depot Theatre in Duluth. MACT*Fest is our biennial, adjudicated festival of 60-minute (max) shows. It s part of the AACTFest cycle. Two shows from MACT*Fest will represent Minnesota in the Region V festival, April 4-6, 2025 in Newton, Iowa. At least one show from the Region V festival will represent our region at AACTFest, which will be in Des Moines, Iowa, June 25-28, 2025.

More information and a link to the festival handbook (click here) with all the rules is available on our website (click here). It’s not too early to be thinking about what show you want to bring to MACT*Fest. The registration deadline for shows will likely be about January 1, 2025. More information will be forthcoming soon.

We are also looking for a committee to work on MACT*Fest. We will need people to help with the festival and the preparations. Some of the sub-committees we will need people for will likely include adjudicators, workshops, playbill, promotion and socials. If you are interested in helping us put on MACT*Fest, contact Larry Pint ( or Darren Beecher (ddbeach@earthlink-net).