7 Last-Minute Marketing Pushes

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Picture this: Your theatre showcase is perfect. Your actors are prepared and excited. Your backstage team is ready to go. But, upon checking the numbers, you see you’ve still got a startling percentage of your tickets left unsold. While many would panic at the thought of being this off-pace on ticket sales so close to opening night, we promise it’s not the end of the world. After all, sales targets often stray from their projections. It’s nothing a little last-minute marketing can’t help!

Instead of accepting the sad fact that you won’t have any sold-out showcases, why not harness the power of the final days for unique and targeted marketing objectives? After all, data tells us that 25% of patrons buy their tickets within the last four days before a performance. Let their procrastination work for you! 

On The Stage explores seven last-minute marketing pushes to use before performances – ensuring more tickets sold and more eyes on your (stellar) work!  Click here to read the blog.