Board Member Job Description

Greetings from the Minnesota Association of Community Theatres! MACT will be celebrating our 50th year of promoting excellence in theatre in 2023.

Would you, or do you know someone who might, welcome an opportunity to share some of their creative energy with a statewide nonprofit organization with a really great mission and with people who really love making theatre experiences essential and exciting for everyone?

Who are we looking for?
* People who look like and represent ALL parts of Minnesota.
* People of every age, ethnicity, race, gender, geographic area, experience level.
* People from little and big towns and theatres, from suburbs, inner cities, and farms.
* People with varied interests: acting, administration, audience support, balancing budgets, costuming, directing, designing, promotion, stage managing….
* People interested in or representing theatres that serve youth, seniors, BIPOC or LGBTQ issues, disability challenges, cultural history, and other communities.
* People who could make a difference on a committee or board.

Like every arts organization, MACT has been reexamining how we conduct programs, engage participants and remain relevant. We want and need people who embrace a volunteer spirit, who both respect the traditions of theatre – from Portia to Tevye, from Willy Loman to Ma Rainey – yet bring FRESH ideas to the table (and stage). Our aim is to be sure that MACT festivals, workshops, newsletters, play calendars, audition notices, job listings and much more reach absolutely everyone who may be interested.

We ask for your help in finding some great people who are willing to unleash their skills for a year or two or three to help us make Minnesota theatre as exciting and life-changing as we know it has the potential to be. Please share names & contact information with or

* Skills: legal, administrative, operations, website, finance, database, publicity…
* Geography: from throughout Minnesota, especially Northern Minnesota.
* Board terms are 3 years; Associate Director terms (less involvement) are 2 years.
* Bimonthly Board meetings are currently virtual (by Zoom), usually on Saturday, but in the past have taken place at theatres and homes across the state.
* Applicants may be currently involved with a theatre of any kind or size, or without a formal affiliation.
* Theatres that are members of MACT may appoint someone from their theatre to serve as its MACT representative.
* Committees appointed annually include Festival, Grants & Funding, Communications (including Website, Social Media, Newsletter), Membership, as well as other occasional task forces.
* Each Board member must be a member of MACT (Regular $25, Senior/Student/Limited Income $15).

Questions? Contact MACT Board President Darren Beecher, (612) 387-0053 or, or any board member.