MACT’s biennial festival of 20-minute plays, Fast*Fest, was held August 19 (welcome social) and August 20 (workshops, performances and social) in Faribault. Workshops and performances will be at the Paradise Center for the Arts.

Fast*Fest 2022 was funded, in part, by a grant from the Southeaster Minnesota Arts Council using funds made possible by the voters of Minnesota through grants from the MN State Arts Board thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts & cultural heritage fund.
Fast*Fest 2022
Fast*Fest Schedule:
Friday, August 19
Welcome Social at Upper East Side
Saturday, August 20
Workshops at Paradise Center for the Arts
- Workshop session 1 9:30 – 10:30
- Choreography – Shari Setchell
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – Rick Shiomi
- Choreography – Shari Setchell
- Workshop session 2 10:45 – 11:45
- Stage Combat – Mike Speck
- Lighting – Todd Edwards
Lunch on your own
Afternoon Session of Short Plays – 1:00 pm
- Pargeter Players
- The Man Behind the Man with the Cape – 10 minutes
- Written by Noreen K. Brandt
- Seven Famous Irish authors debate who is the MOST famous.
- The Man Behind the Man with the Cape – 10 minutes
- NKB Productions
- Women’s Work Is Never Done – 10 minutes
- Written by Noreen K. Brandt
- Four different women face a dilemma they have never had before.
- Women’s Work Is Never Done – 10 minutes
- Marshall Area Stage Company
- The 4th Law Revisited – 10 minutes
- Written by Tom David Barna
- Sometimes love can be a bit robotic. And sometimes love needs a bit of recharging. In the near distant future we witness how love will blossom among beings we least expect, proving once and for all, love is love, no matter who it is or isn’t.
- The 4th Law Revisited – 10 minutes
- Ole Olson Onstage
- ROMEO: A Eulogy – 18 minutes
- Written and Directed by Jon Skaalen
- Who will give a eulogy for Romeo?
- ROMEO: A Eulogy – 18 minutes
- Workshop
- Stevie Ray Improv
- more info soon
Meal Break on your own
Evening Session of Short Plays - 7:00 pm
- Applause Community Theatre
- Cinderella – 17 minutes (not family friendly)
- Directed by Chad Snyder.
- In this scene from “The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon” by Don Zolidis a troupe of actors loses several members to a stomach ailment, but the show must go on with the remaining actors.
- Cinderella – 17 minutes (not family friendly)
- 17th Street Players
- Judy – 15 minutes
- Written and performed by Krista Johnson. This is a short excerpt of her full length show.
- Judy Garland’s life told with love, humor and dignity. Judy interacts with the audience and humorously recounts moments of her life.
- Judy – 15 minutes
- Classics Lost ’n’ Found Theater Company
- Cock and Bull – 15 minutes (not family friendly)
- Written and Directed by Steven LaVigne.
- Cock and Bull is a solo play about the hijinks played on Errol Flynn following John Barrymore’s death.
- Cock and Bull – 15 minutes (not family friendly)
- Penny Pinchin’ Productions
- Queen Enid – 15 minutes
- Written and Directed by Steven LaVigne.
- Queen Enid is a solo play about a woman on a bus who has illusions of Queen Victoria.
- Queen Enid – 15 minutes
After the last colloquy: Social networking at Signature Bar and Grill.
Workshop information:
Choreography – Sheri Setchell
Gain confidence and skill in this fun, informative workshop. During our time together, you will learn some basic movements and easy tips on how to demonstrate your dance ability at an audition. You do not need to be a high kicker or a trained dancer to participate. We will learn a quick and easy dance combination and work on multiple ways to perform it at an audition so you can feel ready for the big day!
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – Rick Shiomi
Rick Shiomi, the Co-Artistic Director of Full Circle Theater, will speak about his work over the past forty years in theater, around the issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. The session will also engage participants in discussion about these issues.
Stage Combat – Mike Speck
Mike Speck has been training in stage combat for more than 20 years, and is a Certified Teacher with the Society of American Fight Directors. In this workshop, you’ll learn basic principles of safe and effective stage combat – how to tell a story of pain and violence that still allows the actors to get up and do it again for the matinee!
Lighting – Todd Edwards
The LED landscape. Love them or hate them; how to integrate LED technology into your incandescent light rig or make the leap to an entirely LED lighting ecosystem.