MACT*Fest 2025

The MACT yellow comedy and blue drama masks, below that is "MACT" and "Fest 25" iv a "V" shape below.
MACT*Fest 25 temp logo

MACT is currently looking for a host theatre and facility for MACT*Fest 2025. MACT*Fest is normally held in March of odd numbered years.

Click here for more information on what we are looking for in a theatre

Click here the application form to host MACT*Fest

Two shows from this festival will be selected to represented Minnesota at the Region V AACTFest
to be held in April (dates and location TBA – possibly in Missouri).

The AACTFest 2025 national festival is set for
June 22-29, 2025, in Des Moines, Iowa,
at the historic Hoyt Sherman Place Theater.

Click here for the 2025 AACTFest festival handbook which includes the rules for participating theatres

Click here for an article on cutting plays for a festival

Click here to access AACT’s Company Entry Information Form (T1)

Click here to access AACT’s Warranty of Company Compliance (T2)

Click here to access AACT’ Technical Information Form (T4)