Advocacy – Contacting your Legislators by Phone

Tips for when you contact your legislators by phone.
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Tips for when you contact your legislators by phone.
Americans for the Arts
Nearly half of the nation’s healthcare institutions provide arts programming for patients, families, and staff.
Americans for the Arts
As counted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 2.67 million artists in the U.S. workforce—1.6% of all workers.
Americans for the Arts
Giving to the arts by individuals, foundations, and corporations spiked to an all-time high in 2021—up 27.5% to $23.5 billion, an amount that represented 4.8% of all charitable giving.
Americans for the Arts
In 2023, federal, state, and local government funding to their arts agencies increased to historically high levels. NEA funding increased from $180 million to $207 million in 2023.
Americans for the Arts
The Minnesota arts and culture sector was a $12.4 billion industry in 2021.
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Join us for MCA’s Arts Action Week from March 4th-8th.
Americans for the Arts
According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, arts and culture contributed $1.02 trillion to the nation’s economy in 2021. This represents 4.4% of the nation’s economy—a larger share of GDP than transportation, construction, and agriculture.
Guest Author
Public funding for arts and creativity is a high-return investment that benefits every American in every city, town and rural community nationwide.
Guest Author
Advocacy is something all of us should do if we believe in the value of public support for the arts.