Government Funding to Arts Agencies
In 2023, federal, state, and local government funding to their arts agencies increased to historically high levels. NEA funding increased from $180 million to $207 million in 2023.
AACT Spotlight Magazine Spring 2024 issue
What are the issues that affect community theatres most, and where are the areas of hope—and occasional triumph?
You Know You Work in Community Theater If…
Sure signs that you participate in community theatre.
10 Fun Activities for the First Rehearsal
Starting rehearsals should be nothing short of exciting, and we’ve got the perfect activities to add a touch of fun to the mix and make your first rehearsal an unforgettable experience.
The Little Theatre That Could
Little did I know that day in 1982 when I walked into the Corcoran Neighborhood Center in south Minneapolis that it would become a huge part of my life.
Why the Arts Matter for Minnesota
The Minnesota arts and culture sector was a $12.4 billion industry in 2021.