Events Calendar

Pied Piper the Musical
October 25, 2025 07:00 PM event_repeat

Pied Piper the Musical

Northern Starz Center for the Performing Arts 5300 Alpine Drive, Ramsey, MN, USA

Book & Lyrics by Robert Thomas Noll
Music by Peter J. Wilson

Directed by Marissa and Jarod

The Rat Commander leads his troops into Hamelin. Their mission: to scare the people witless and eat every scrap of food there is! The invasion is so terrifically successful that the citizens are soon desperate. Suddenly, a Pied Piper arrives, promising a solution. The Mayor agrees to his price, but when the time comes to pay the Piper, he refuses. The children of the town follow the Piper’s tune, but thanks to the bravery of Anna, the Mayor’s daughter, and her friend Conrad, there’s a new and charmingly upbeat ending to this enchanting play!